1. What is the Customer Portal?
The Customer Portal is a single point for customers to log in and access a range of online services relating to their account. Once logged in you will see the services specific to your account. You can access your invoices on-line (E-Billing) and view AMR information if you have this device fitted to your meters.
2. How do I access the Customer Portal?
As a TotalEnergies Gas and Power customer, log in details are automatically sent to the e-mail address provided when you joined. If you haven't received any log in details, that's not a problem. Simply contact our Customer Care Team at customercare.uk@totalenergies.com providing the account number and e-mail address you would like set up and we will send you your log in details. To activate your Customer Portal Account, just log in and you are ready to go. When you first log in you will be asked to read and accept the Conditions of Use, followed by setting up a security question.
3. What is E-Billing?
E-billing allows you access to your invoices electronically. We can send them to you by e-mail and you can log in to the Customer Portal and access them online. Copy invoices are easily available and printable. If there is more than one person in your organisation that needs access to invoices you can set up multiple e-mail accounts.
4. How do I get set up on E-Billing?
As a TotalEnergies Gas and Power customer, log in details are automatically sent to the e-mail address provided when you joined. If you haven't received any log in details, that's not a problem. Simply contact our Customer Care Team at customercare.uk@totalenergies.com providing the account number and e-mail address you would like set up and we will send you your log in details. To activate your Customer Portal Account, just log in and you are ready to go. When you first log in you will be asked to read and accept the Conditions of Use, followed by setting up a security question.
5. What is AMR?
Automatic Meter Reading devices are fitted to meters and uses wireless technology that allows for remote communication between TotalEnergies Gas & Power and your meter. Your meter generates a pulse for each unit of energy that passes through it, which the AMR equipment counts and records. This information is sent from the AMR device to TotalEnergies Gas & Power via SMS (Short Messaging Service) technology on a daily basis. The meter reading data is then used to deliver accurate invoices, while detailed daily and within-day consumption data is provided for your use via our dedicated and secure AMR Portal. More information is available on our website at Search AMR
6. Why have I been sent log in details when I haven't asked for them?
As a TotalEnergies Gas and Power customer, log in details are automatically sent to the e-mail address provided when you joined. If you don't want to access the Portal, that's no problem, your account won't be activated until you log in. When you first log in you will be asked to read and accept the Conditions of Use, followed by setting up a security question. Keep these details safe in case you change your mind.
7. I have been sent log in details but they don't work
There are a few checks to make which could resolve this problem. Does the log in details contain an e-mail address and password? We have upgraded our portal and previous log in details contained a name and a password. You may need new log in details. Has the password been entered exactly as provided? The password is case sensitive Are you taken to a ‘Conditions of Use' Screen? To activate your account please read and accept the Conditions of Use. You will then be asked to set up a security question. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact our Customer Care Team at customercare.uk@totalenergies.com providing the log in details you have been provided and a description or screen shot of the issue.
8. I can't remember my password, how do I get a new one?
At the log in page of the Customer Portal you can enter your e-mail address and click the ‘Forgot Password' link. Only e-mail addresses with a Customer Portal account will be able to request a password re-set. If your e-mail address isn't recognised, simply send your account number and e-mail address to customercare.uk@totalenergies.com and we will set up an account for you.
9. I have reset my password but it's not working.
There are a few checks to make which could resolve this problem. Does the log in details contain an e-mail address and password? We have upgraded our portal and previous log in details contained a name and a password. You may need new log in details. Has the password been entered exactly as provided? The password is case sensitive. Does the re-set password meet the criteria? Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters containing at least 1 capital letter and a mixture of letters and numbers. If you are still experiencing problems, please contact our Customer Care Team at customercare.uk@totalenergies.com providing the log in details you have been provided and a description or screen shot of the issue.
10. I used to log in using my name, this isn't working.
We have upgraded our portal and previous log in details contained a name and a password. Access to Bills on line is now through our Customer Portal. Log in details would have been sent to the e-mail address on our records, however, If you haven't received any log in details, that's not a problem. Simply contact our Customer Care Team at customercare.uk@totalenergies.com providing the account number and e-mail address you would like set up and we will send you your log in details. To activate your Customer Portal Account, just log in and you are ready to go. When you first log in you will be asked to read and accept the Conditions of Use, followed by setting up a security question. You will see an icon for ‘Bills Online', click here to access your E-Billing.
11. There is an error message when I log in.
There are a few checks to make which could resolve this problem. Is the e-mail address registered on our Customer Portal? Only e-mail addresses with a Customer Portal Account can log in. Does the log in details contain an e-mail address and password? We have upgraded our portal and previous log in details contained a name and a password. You may need new log in details. Has the password been entered exactly as provided? The password is case sensitive If you are still experiencing problems, please contact our Customer Care Team at customercare.uk@totalenergies.com providing the log in details you have been provided and a description or screen shot of the issue.
12. How do I change the password I have been provided to something more memorable?
After logging in, you may change your password using the menu option: 'Change password'. Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters containing at least 1 capital letter and a mixture of letters and numbers.
13. How do I change the way my invoices and documents are e-mailed to me?
After logging in, click on the drop down menu ‘Your Details', ‘Delivery Settings' then ‘set delivery rules'. This will open a pop up window. To change how documents are sent to you, tick or un tick the relevant boxes. Click ‘Apply' to save the changes.
14. How do I get copy invoices?
After logging in there are two ways to retrieve documents. Either by selecting the type of document you wish to view through the ‘Documents' drop down. Or, click on ‘Search'. To view all documents, simply click the ‘Search' button. You can refine the search by completing the relevant boxes. Once you have found the document you require, select the relevant icon for delivery i.e. e-mail, download as PDF.
15. I have a Gas and Electricity account but can only view the invoices for one.
We can link your Gas and Electricity accounts to one log in. Simply e-mail both account numbers and the e-mail address the account is assigned to, to customercare.uk@totalenergies.com